23 research outputs found

    Design and Characterization of a Novel High-Power Series Elastic Actuator for a Lower Limb Robotic Orthosis

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    A safe interaction is crucial in wearable robotics in general, while in assistive and rehabilitation applications, robots may also be required to minimally perturb physiological movements, ideally acting as perfectly transparent machines. The actuation system plays a central role because the expected performance, in terms of torque, speed and control bandwidth, must not be achieved at the expense of lightness and compactness. Actuators embedding compliant elements, such as series elastic actuators, can be designed to meet the above-mentioned requirements in terms of high energy storing capacity and stability of torque control. A number of series elastic actuators have been proposed over the past 20 years in order to accommodate the needs arising from specific applications. This paper presents a novel series elastic actuator intended for the actuation system of a lower limb wearable robot, recently developed in our lab. The actuator is able to deliver 300 W and has a novel architecture making its centre of mass not co-located with its axis of rotation, for an easier integration into the robotic structure. A custom-made torsion spring with a stiffness of 272.25 N·m·rad– 1 is directly connected to the load. The delivered torque is calculated from the measurement of the spring deflection, through two absolute encoders. Testing on torque measurement accuracy and torque/stiffness control are reported

    Adult human biliary tree stem cells differentiate to β-pancreatic islet cells by treatment with a recombinant human Pdx1 peptide

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    Generation of β-pancreatic cells represents a major goal in research. The aim of this study was to explore a protein-based strategy to induce differentiation of human biliary tree stem cells (hBTSCs) towards β-pancreatic cells. A plasmid containing the sequence of the human pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1) has been expressed in E. coli. Epithelial-Cell-Adhesion-Molecule positive hBTSCs or mature human hepatocyte cell line, HepG2, were grown in medium to which Pdx1 peptide was added. Differentiation toward pancreatic islet cells were evaluated by the expression of the β-cell transcription factors, Pdx1 and musculoapo-neurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog A, and of the pancreatic hormones, insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, investigated by real time polymerase chain reaction, western blot, light microscopy and immunofluorescence. C-peptide secretion in response to high glucose was also measured. Results indicated how purified Pdx1 protein corresponding to the primary structure of the human Pdx1 by mass spectroscopy was efficiently produced in bacteria, and transduced into hBTSCs. Pdx1 exposure triggered the expression of both intermediate and mature stage β-cell differentiation markers only in hBTSCs but not in HepG2 cell line. Furthermore, hBTSCs exposed to Pdx1 showed up-regulation of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin genes and formation of 3-dimensional islet-like structures intensely positive for insulin and glucagon. Finally, Pdx1-induced islet-like structures exhibited glucose-regulated C-peptide secretion. In conclusion, the human Pdx1 is highly effective in triggering hBTSC differentiation toward functional β-pancreatic cells

    The preservation of the CE mark for a medical device further to a maintenance process

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    In this paper we analyze the conditions for the preservation of the CE mark of a medical device further to maintenance process, especially in the case in which the maintenance is managed by a third company. Analyzing the European Directives on medical devices, we observed that the conditions, in which the manufacturer obtained the CE mark, might change when another company manages maintenance. We propose three solutions to face this situation

    Efficacy and economic impact evaluation of a navigation system for assisted lung biopsy

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    This Letter reports on the testing and assessment of an optical computed tomography-navigation system for percutaneous lung interventional, SIRIO, showing how the lesion diameter affects the bioptic procedure. Clinical data, relating to 501 patients, were collected at the Department of Interventional Radiology of Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico. This Letter shows that the diameter of lesion affects only the procedure duration (50.91 ± 18.87 min for lesions of diameter ≤20 mm and 44.98 ± 19.43 min for lesions of diameter >20 and ≤40 mm). For the nodules with a diameter ≤20 mm, there is a significant increase in the duration of the procedure (for each mm less the time increases by 6 s). Other parameters like the mean effective radiation dose and the presence of a diagnostic or non-diagnostic specimen do not depend, instead, on the lesion size. The economic analysis based on the biopsy procedure with SIRIO shows the necessity to adopt a new reimbursement system for percutaneous biopsy performed using navigation systems to stimulate their use to get important non-economic gains such as early diagnosis, reduction of the absorbed dose of X-rays and increasing number of lung cancers in a curable early stage

    Expression of NK-1 and NK-3 tachykinin receptors in pancreatic acinar cells after acute experimental pancreatitis in rats.

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    Activation of neurokinin (NK)-1 receptors but not of NK-3 stimulates amylase release from isolated pancreatic acini of the rat. Immunofluorescence studies show that NK-1 receptors are more strongly expressed than NK-3 receptors on pancreatic acinar cells under basal conditions. No studies have examined the expression of the two NK receptor populations in pancreatic acini during pancreatitis in rats. We therefore investigated the relationships between expression of these two tachykinin receptors and experimental acute pancreatitis induced by stimulating pancreatic amylase with caerulein (CK) in rats. Hyperstimulation of the pancreas by CK caused an increase in plasma amylase and pancreatic water content and resulted in morphological evidence of cytoplasmic vacuolization. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed a similar percentage of NK-1 receptor antibody immunoreactive acinar cells in rats with pancreatitis and in normal rat tissue but a larger percentage of NK-3 receptor immunoreactive cells in acute pancreatitis than in normal pancreas. Western blot analysis of NK-1 and NK-3 receptor protein levels after CK-induced pancreatitis showed no change in NK-1 receptors but a stronger increase in NK-3 receptor expression in pancreatic acini compared with normal rats thus confirming the immunofluorescence data. These new findings support previous evidence that substance P-mediated functions within the pancreas go beyond sensory signal transduction contributing to neurogenic inflammation, and they suggest that substance P plays a role in regulating pancreatic exocrine secretion via acinar NK-1 receptors. The significant increase in NK-3 receptors during pancreatic stimulation suggests that NK-3 receptors also intervene in the pathogenesis of mild acute pancreatitis in rats

    Expression of NK-1 and NK-3 tachykinin receptors in pancrestic acinar cells after acute experimental pancreatitis in rats

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    Activation of neurokinin (NK)-1 receptors but not of NK-3 stimulates amylase release from isolated pancreatic acini of the rat. Immunofluorescence studies show that NK-1 receptors are more strongly expressed than NK-3 receptors on pancreatic acinar cells under basal conditions. No studies have examined the expression of the two NK receptor populations in pancreatic acini during pancreatitis in rats. We therefore investigated the relationships between expression of these two tachykinin receptors and experimental acute pancreatitis induced by stimulating pancreatic amylase with caerulein (CK) in rats. Hyperstimulation of the pancreas by CK caused an increase in plasma amylase and pancreatic water content and resulted in morphological evidence of cytoplasmic vacuolization. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed a similar percentage of NK-1 receptor antibody immunoreactive acinar cells in rats with pancreatitis and in normal rat tissue but a larger percentage of NK-3 receptor immunoreactive cells in acute pancreatitis than in normal pancreas. Western blot analysis of NK-1 and NK-3 receptor protein levels after CK-induced pancreatitis showed no change in NK-1 receptors but a stronger increase in NK-3 receptor expression in pancreatic acini compared with normal rats thus confirming the immunofluorescence data. These new findings support previous evidence that substance P-mediated functions within the pancreas go beyond sensory signal transduction contributing to neurogenic inflammation, and they suggest that substance P plays a role in regulating pancreatic exocrine secretion via acinar NK-1 receptors. The significant increase in NK-3 receptors during pancreatic stimulation suggests that NK-3 receptors also intervene in the pathogenesis of mild acute pancreatitis in rats